showed us a particular protected bike lane and told us an inspiring story that happened just in the past couple of years: short sleeve cycling jerseys She said that on a dangerous street with fast-moving car traffic, neighbors decided that the street needed a protected bike lane. They asked the city — to no avail. So they went ahead and installed their own pop-up, guerrilla-protected bike infrastructure. The city ripped it out. So what did they do? They installed it again! Again, the city ripped it out. When they installed it a third time, the city gave up and went ahead and added more resilient materials to make it permanent. Dave: I don’t know, but what struck me the most was how intense the recreational bicycle culture was. The roads leading to the hills outside of town were packed with bicyclists, thousands upon thousands, with whole neighborhoods of restaurants and businesses set up to serve them. The popularity of bicycling for fun clearly supported the development of bikeways for transportation.